Tag Archives: Neuro linguistic programming

Collective, covert, Indoctrination!


The television is the greatest and most effective indoctrination device in history. Religion was immensely effective in the ages of old but it could never accomplish what the tel-lie-vision has.

If we actually stop and take a look from outside our current paradigm of belief we all know this inherently but avoid the rabbit whole it manifests! We have been coerced, programmed and gradually taken down the path of acceptance in relation to this and other extremely low frequency (ELF) electronic devices throughout the 20th century.

Programs are ‘exactly what they say on the tin’ so to speak, literally designed to program and manipulate your subconscious which in time becomes infectious as it infiltrates you and your life, it becomes overwhelming yet not apparent to the conscious mind. one could say the ultimate form of brainwashing.


The Tavistock institute for human relations is just one point of interest i advise you all to research as it played a major role in social engineering, programming and propagating in the early days of the 20th century, founded in 1946 played a major role in post war propaganda. Neuro linguistic programming (NLP) is one of the sciences and forms of mind manipulation studied in depth and implemented massively in the years to follow 1950’s & 1960’s.


Since the introduction of TV and other personal electronic gadgets it is child’s play to control mass populations using little effort and no brute force, the days of overtly putting someone back in line are very much non existent. It puts whole nations under a literal collective spell, trance or hypnotic state which allows subconscious language such as symbolism, subliminal programming and trauma based mind control to be easily installed into the viewers mind. In the ancient past this kind of mass control or power over a collective was know as sorcery or black magic.

One of the most apparent manifestations you can see with your own eyes daily regarding this concept is the influx of masses of people looking the same, acting the same, dressing the same, following the same trends, purchasing similar products, living in the same fashion, working similar jobs, eating the same, basically the apparent death and demise of individuality. In my opinion this is by design not coincidence and orchestrated by a sinister elite clique or cabal in the upper echelons of our global financial and political system.


Ask yourselves this basic question and try to analyse this concept using this analogy without prejudice or conflict with your current belief system.

do you think a form of governance or a countries governing force will supply its populous with a outlandish, speculative, entertainment device that runs on the same frequency and resonance as the human brain for your own pleasure and indulgence?

Do yo believe that there are no covert goals or accomplishments being orchestrated and envisioned by those beyond the public eye when using these devices?

Why have we seen a monumental influx of these devices in our homes, in every room, even in the workplace and beyond. They have become instilled in modern society and is common these days and its use not even questioned we seem to collectively believe they are for our entertainment and not for installing propaganda with our consent! If you address these simple concepts you may start to awaken the underlying inherent question, Is this device an enemy device for surveillance and social engineering? you see this in George Orwell’s 1984 and it is obvious that if this tool is used malevolently it would be in fact a totalitarians wet dream.

malcom x

keep an open mind my friends and question everything!